What WE DO

What we do

This party will build a movement to establish a socialist society free from exploitation in Bangladesh, based on the principles of scientific socialism, i.e., Marxism-Leninism. The party will remain steadfast in its communist principles and continue to struggle against all forms of inequality, exploitation, plunder, oppression, tyranny, autocracy, communalism, and all backward and anti-people activities.

Instead of superficial bourgeois formal democracy, this party will fight for the establishment of true democracy for the majority of the exploited people, meaning a proletarian socialist democracy. The party will continue its struggle against capitalist-imperialist exploitation and plunder, as well as against racial and gender discrimination, religious and ethnic oppression, communalism, regionalism, and all forms of reactionary and regressive tendencies.

Furthermore, the party will remain committed to the vision of building secular, democratic societies and states free from imperialist influence across the world and to realizing the people’s aspiration for an exploitation-free socialist society.

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Party Constitution